
Physical Standards for SOF Selection Assessment

Physical Standards Assessment for SOF Selection

By Jonathan Pope / May 5, 2021 / 4 Comments

“How much running, rucking, swimming, calisthenics, and strength training should I be doing to prepare for selection?” This is one of the most common questions we get from aspiring SOF candidates, and understandably so.  Of course you’ll have to do all of these things, but the volume and intensity of each can and should vary […]

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Training Principles

By Jonathan Pope / March 30, 2021 / 1 Comment

Regardless of your age, background, or what you are training for, principles should guide your training process. The following principles can be used to help guide your thinking when developing or considering whether a training plan is appropriate for you.  1 – Specificity    Specificity is the principle that training should stress the exact systems […]

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Rucking 101: A Guide for Special Operations Selection Training

By Jonathan Pope / December 17, 2020 / 12 Comments

Regardless of what selection program you’re training for, you’ll spend countless hours walking around with a heavy ruck on your back. In some special operations selection courses (SFAS, RASP, British SAS, CANSOF), rucking is the primary physical task you’ll have to do day after day. If you want to be successful, you need to be […]

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Running Programming for Special Operations Selection Prep

By Jonathan Pope / December 8, 2020 / 14 Comments

Running fast requires two primary things: 1) Good running technique and 2) a strong foundation of aerobic fitness. If you’re missing either, you won’t be able to run a fast time on your PT test. The deeper into your selection course you go or the longer you have to run, the more weakness in either […]

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