Work with BTE's Performance Health Coach

Miguel ZeranMiguel is a BTE coach and works 1-1 with many clients seeking more specialized and individualized programming and coaching.

Miguel's Bio:

MSgt (Ret.) Miguel Zeran, aka Z, is a former USMC Force Recon Marine who holds a BS in Health & Wellness, an MS in Kinesiology, and is in his third year of doctoral pursuits in Human & Sport Performance. He is a CSCS, CPT, SFG1, and trained Health Coach who is sitting for the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) board exam this year.

He has spent over 14 years teaching, coaching, and training military and first responder populations in USMC Reconnaissance, USARNG, Naval Special Warfare – Armada de Chile, Wildland Fire (BLM & USFS), and Municipal/Structure Fire, and Law Enforcement. His operational experience across multiple countries and conflicts, alongside his educational pursuits and training, has afforded him a unique perspective on what it takes to gain and maintain health, wellness, and fitness sufficient to succeed in any clime and place.


Experts, gray-beards, moms and dads, podcasters, and influencers. They give a lot of advice. Advice that doesn’t fit your training, schedule, budget, mental state, or lifestyle. Any advice, no matter how well-intended, can't be helpful if it doesn't apply to your unique situation. You're the best expert on your own life, so Miguel coaches as a collaborator, keeping you in the driver's seat while helping you to navigate your challenges and integrating your perspective with professional expertise and guidance.

As part of your team, Miguel helps you to take charge of your short and long-term goals and create a vision of health, wellness, and fitness that meets your individual needs and desires.

Working together, you'll:

- Take the wisdom and learnings of prior personal achievements and utilize them to leverage winning strategies for future success.

- Engage in the processes of active learning and self-discovery to increase accountability with the unconditional positive regard and professionalism of a health coach.

- Take the disarrayed Lego pile that is your holistic health and learn how to put it back together into a functional model of your choosing and design. (Lego bricks not included.)

Work with Miguel

45-minute single session plus between-session follow-up and homework - $99

Click the link to book, or email Miguel directly at [email protected]

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