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Goal and career-specific training programs that adapt to your needs and schedule

The BTE App works as your own, personal world-class coach by creating training programs that adjust based on your current fitness, preferences, and schedule:

SOF Prep: Specific selection prep programs for every branch of the US Military (Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines). We also have programs for: Australian SASR, British SAS/SBS, CANSOF JFT-2 & CSOR, and FBI HRT.

Operator: For those looking to improve fitness across the board, stay healthy, and perform well when operational.

LEO: Programs for law enforcement (police, sheriff, homeland security, FBI) or those preparing to work in this field.

Fire: Urban or wildland specific firefighter programs. 

Civilian: Perfect for anyone who wants to be capable of excelling at any physical task while becoming more physically, mentally, and emotionally resilient.

bte compass transparent

There are thousands of training apps....what makes BTE different?

Adaptable training programs

Have a busy schedule? Changing availability to equipment? No problem.

Change your weekly structure, and pause training when needed. Whatever your schedule, the program can adapt to fit it.

Train your mind & body

Learn how your mind works under stress and build new mental skills as you train.Every training session includes a mental skill emphasis to help build your mind as well as your body. Each skill sets the foundation for the next, so you're constantly improving your mental game.

Learn the why

Every training block, session, method, & exercise includes an overview, so you know exactly why and how to get the most out of each training session.

In-depth courses on a variety of topics including mental skills, nutrition, recovery, sleep and many more are also included. Courses are broken down into daily lessons so you can fit them into your busy life.

Individualized & goal-specific training 

The BTE Training App assess your strengths and weaknesses and creates an individualized program based on your goals and current fitness level. Goal specific programs are designed to prepare you for the demands of whatever you are training for.

Training volume & intensity, PR tracking, suggested weights, running and rucking speeds, and heart rate zones based on your specific capabilities help you get the most out of every training session.

Stay on track with your long-term goals

The BTE Profile App Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the standards you're working towards to keep you on track as your fitness changes over time. You'll know exactly how close you are to where you need to be in every aspect of fitness (strength, conditioning, movement, work capacity). As your fitness improves your program will automatically adapt to consistently challenge you.

Plan ahead & adjust

Preview workouts up to 7 days in advance and adjust the workout order based on your schedule. Each workout provides an expected time requirement so can effectively plan ahead. You can adjust the order of training sessions and pause workouts when needed.

Automatic adjustments

Show up and do the work; the app takes care of the rest. You'll be guided to review and adjust your strategies based on your physical and mental performance.

Ask BTE Coaches questions anytime

You have access to BTE coaches to get your questions answered. Real coaches, fast answers, and comprehensive support to help you achieve your goals.

Only $49 / every 4 weeks


4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 67 reviews)
Very good3%

Tough and Rewarding Program

September 26, 2024

Been on this program for just over a training cycle; my lifts, work capacity and endurance have risen all across the board. BTE covers lots of the mental aspects of physical training and greatly help me develop a very solid habit of turning up and kept at it. The coaches are very hands-on. I am not on here for the SOF Prep but their training ladder is solid!

Highly recommended for those that want a well-rounded physical functionality while maintaining very good mobility.


Mental and Physical improvement

September 23, 2024

Started with the BTE program and app from May 2024 onwards. Massively improved all my physical stats, from ruck to bench press. What I find unique about the BTE app / coaching style, is the blend of physical and mental lessons. I find that besides improving all my physical stats, I improved most mentally, from tricks as segmenting to compartmentalization to mindfulness. I would suggest anyone to prepare for selection using BTE due to their useful combination of mental and physical aspects.


Best all around program

August 29, 2024

Awesome balance between strength and running/rucking work. I haven’t run this fast or efficiently since high school track 15 years ago, without compromising any strength. Easy to use app, and the coaches are always available to answer questions should they arrive.


Excellent programs and coaching

August 22, 2024

I have made improvements in all metrics. I love the consideration and weight that the coaches put into the mental side of training and SOF. It is truly the complete package.


Opportunity for endless improvement

August 16, 2024

I am a regular person not in any SOF/tactical arena, but I have been on the operator long track for about a year. I have seen continued improvements in my fitness throughout that time and I now meet the standards for work capacity, conditioning and strength. The way the mental skills are messaged through the app is extremely effective without being overly frequent. The customer support and overall implementation of this program is excellent. It is probably the best $50 a month you could spend, even if you are just a regular person who wants to be capable of extraordinary things.


How training works

Step 1: Onboarding & assessment

Goal-specific programs: Sign up for the course specific program built to help you get ready for SOF selection. 

Assessment: Test yourself in a variety of areas (strength, movement, conditioning, work capacity) over the course of your first few weeks of workouts. 

Fitness score: Report all assessment data and receive a comprehensive report outlining your specific strengths and weaknesses. 

Assessment results
Building the Elite SOF training app mobile screenshot of training tab

Step 2: Tailored, goal-specific programming

Personal program: Once the assessment block is completed you'll receive your first training block based on your specific needs. 

Comprehensive: Strength, conditioning, movement and work capacity specific workouts to target all areas of fitness. 

Mental skill training: Fine tune your mental game with specific coaching and strategies that build on each other over time. 

Step 3: Adaptable training that adjusts to you

Coaching Support: Ask the BTE coaches questions anytime and quick and comprehensive responses. 

Ongoing programs: After you finish each training block (4 weeks long) you'll submit a new workout request receive the next training block. 

Re-assess & adjust: Every three training blocks (12 weeks), you'll reevaluate your fitness and we'll automatically adjust your training based on the results. 

convo with coaches


Training is delivered via the BTE Training App. Once you sign up, we'll send you an invite link to set up an account and download the iOS or Android App. Once you've set up your account, we'll upload training. 

Due to the individualization process that the app uses to create your training program, there are hundreds of different training programs. However, there are five main tracks:

  1. SOF Selection (8-20 hours per week)
    • You are preparing for a US military SOF (any branch) selection process. 
    • We also have programs for: Australian SASR, British SAS/SBS, CANSOF JFT-2 & CSOR, and FBI HRT.
    • We likely have a program for you if you are prepping for any SOF or high-level law enforcement selection. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].
  2. Operator (5-7 hours per week)
    • You are an operator looking to improve fitness across the board, stay healthy, and perform well when operational. 
  3. LEO (4-5 hours per week)
    • You work in law enforcement (police, sheriff, homeland security, FBI, etc) or are preparing to work in this field. 
  4. Fire (4-6 hours per week)
    • You work as a firefighter (urban or wildland) or are preparing to work in this field. 
  5. Civilian (3-4 hours per week) 
    • Your job doesn’t rely on your physical performance; if it does, it falls outside the categories listed. Regardless of your occupation, you want to be capable of excelling at any physical task while becoming more mentally and emotionally resilient.  

Once you choose a track, you’ll work through the onboarding questions and assessments to build a program based on your goals and overall fitness.

Yes. Instead of an arbitrary or one-size-fits-all approach based on a goal that makes a ton of assumptions, your goals are defined by your career path or desired capability. From there, the training is individualized based on your current fitness level. 

So, if there are two people training for the same goals, the person with a huge endurance background doesn’t get the same program as the individual who is incredibly strong, but hasn’t been doing much endurance training. This leads to far more effective training based on you, not just your goals. 

How many days you train each week depends on what you’re training for and how fit you are. Regardless, you can always ‘pause’ the program to catch up, skip workout days, reduce the volume of a workout, and adjust the schedule on the fly. All of these options make it easy to adjust your training when life happens.

Each training session provides an expected completion time and is also labeled to help you decide which ones to save for the days when you’re fresh, and which you can knock out on busier days or when you’re a little more fatigued.   

You can easily look ahead to preview what’s coming up and adjust the training schedule accordingly. You can adjust your training in three ways: 

  1. Adjust: You can adjust which training sessions are assigned to each day in the next week. This allows you to adjust training based on your schedule. 
  2. Pause: Programs are assigned when you need them, not on a never ending loop. If you miss a few days or are on vacation for a week you can easily pick up where you left off. When you need a new program it will show up. 
We can provide guidance on how to adjust your training program depending on the demands of your job or PT, or we can modify your program if the ongoing workload is high enough to merit changes to your training program. 
Regardless of the situation, you have access to BTE coaches to help you adjust your training program as needed. 

Only $49 / every 4 weeks

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